What is The Theory of Reasoned Action In Behavior Change?


The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is a psychological model that seeks to predict and explain an individual’s decision to engage in a specific behavior based on their attitudes and beliefs about that behavior. Developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in the 1960s and 1970s, the TRA posits that an individual’s intention to perform a behavior is influenced by their attitudes toward the behavior and the subjective norms surrounding it. The model has been widely applied to understand and predict a range of behaviors, particularly in the fields of health promotion and communication.


Fishbein and Ajzen developed the Theory of Reasoned Action to address the gap between attitudes and actual behaviors. They recognized that individuals’ attitudes and beliefs about a behavior do not always translate into action, so they sought to develop a model that could better predict behavior based on these cognitive factors. The TRA provides a framework for understanding how individual attitudes and social influences interact to shape intentions and ultimately behaviors.

Key Components

The Theory of Reasoned Action is built on two main components that determine an individual’s intention to perform a specific behavior:

Attitude toward the behavior

This refers to an individual’s overall evaluation of the behavior, including their beliefs about the potential outcomes and the value they place on these outcomes. A more favorable attitude toward a behavior is likely to lead to a stronger intention to perform it.

Subjective norms

This component captures the social influences on an individual’s behavior, including the perceived expectations and opinions of significant others, such as family, friends, or peers. An individual is more likely to intend to perform a behavior if they believe that important people in their life approve of it or expect them to do so.

Both of these components contribute to the formation of a behavioral intention, which is considered the most proximal determinant of actual behavior in the TRA. According to the model, the stronger an individual’s intention to perform a behavior, the more likely they are to engage in it.

It is important to note that the TRA assumes that individuals are rational decision-makers who systematically process information about a behavior and its potential consequences. Additionally, the model assumes that individuals have control over their behavior and can act on their intentions if they choose to do so.


The Theory of Reasoned Action has been applied to study a wide range of behaviors, such as smoking cessation, contraceptive use, exercise, and dietary habits. By identifying the attitudes and subjective norms that influence an individual’s intention to engage in a specific behavior, researchers and practitioners can develop targeted interventions that address these cognitive factors. For example, interventions might focus on changing individuals’ beliefs about the outcomes of a behavior, promoting positive social norms, or enhancing individuals’ motivation to comply with the expectations of significant others.


The Theory of Reasoned Action is a valuable framework for understanding and predicting human behavior based on cognitive factors such as attitudes and social influences. By emphasizing the role of behavioral intentions in the decision-making process, the TRA provides insights into the complex relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and actual behaviors. This understanding can inform the development of effective interventions and strategies to promote behavior change across various domains. While the TRA has some limitations, such as its assumption of rational decision-making and complete control over behavior, it remains an influential and widely used model in the field of behavioral science.

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