
I graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Human Biology with a specialty in neuroscience.
Since then, I’ve spent close to 15 years applying behavioral science research and methodologies to hard problems in the technology world.
In addition, I’m the creator of Behavioral Strategy, an interdisciplinary approach to ensuring that behavioral research is incorporated into new products and initiatives from the strategic planning phase. The goal of Behavioral Strategy is achieving Behavior Market Fit.
Some career highlights:
- Co-founder of the Walmart Behavioral Science Team
Global Head of Behavioral Sciences at Walmart
- Lead researcher in the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab
- Helped create the field of Behavior Design with BJ Fogg (see Behavior Wizard
- Co-founder of mobile search startup, Kite.io (acquired by Quixey)
- Founder of Dopamine, the first tech focused applied behavioral science firm
- Co-founder of Persona, The Assistant Company
- Creator of Behavioral Strategy (read this, this, and this)
You may have learned about me from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits. James quotes me in the third chapter:

My interests are: 1) helping individuals make long-term behavior changes and 2) changing behavior at scale.
Selected Projects